1. Turn off your pump and slowly open your air-relief valve to release excess air (you will hear it when it is open)
2. Dismantle the cartridge filter to get to the cartridge. Consult your user manual if you are unsure how to do this
3. Remove each cartridge and examine for damage. If the fiber bands have begun to break, it is a sign the filters need replaced.
4. Use a spray nozzle on a hose to remove contaminants, ensuring you get the water spray in between the pleats for a comprehensive clean. Always go top to bottom. We recommend the filter flosser.
5. If your cartridge is oily or extra grimy, you can soak it in a pool cleaning solution as directed by the bottle. We use GLB Filter Fresh.
6. Secure the clean cartridges in place inside the filter and replace the filter lid as described in your user manual
7. Inspect the O-ring for damage like cracks and tears and replace if need be.
8. Lubricate the O-ring using Magic Lube. Turn the system back on, and open the air-relief valve again until you have a consistent stream of water coming from the air relief valve, then close it fully.
9. Examine the pressure gauge to check that the PSI is in a normal range. It is usually 5-10 PSI lower than before cleaning. If your pressure gauge is 0, inspect to make sure the filter is put together properly; otherwise replace the pressure gauge.