PH is the measurement of acidity of water – measured on a scale of 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral. Not only do proper pH levels allow the other chemicals to do their work, but it is important to note that low and high levels can cause damage any pool surface.
Low pH Levels: A pH below 7.0 means the water is very acidic. Under the right circumstances with pH below 7.0, a Vinyl liner can actually grow and develop unsightly wrinkles. It can also cause a plaster pool do degrade prematurely.
High pH Levels: As the pH approaches 8.0, the water becomes very basic (alkaline). High pH greatly accelerates the aging process and shortens the life of the liner. Chlorine is also much less effective at higher pH levels. At a pH of 8.0; chlorine is only 22% effective.
Unbalanced pH also causes itchy eyes, red eyes, and skin irritation; so it is very important for the safety of swimmers to keep balanced.